Thursday, February 21, 2013

Old Lady Veldhouse

Well Blog, I'm a regular silver mine these days. My follicles are drying up at an incredible pace and I'm left with what are becoming more and more pronounced streaks of white at the roots of my hair. I get that I just turned 29, but can't this aging thing wait until at least 30?

Oddly enough (and despite the comment I just made), I've been ok with this visible sign of how long I've been around. I noticed my first gray a couple years ago and since then they have multiplied here and there. But lately, it seems that this trend has been going on at an accelerated pace. I color my hair anyway (because I like it red, dammit) so it's not like I can't mask the wisdom that is creeping from my scalp. However, over the last few months I've let the red grow out just so I can examine exactly how gray I'm going. Well, Blog, I'm going pretty gray. Not like Anderson Cooper gray, but more like Patrick Dempsey gray where you're all "he's not gray" and then you look at a picture of him and you realize "hey, he's a little gray".

But he's not... oh wait. There it is.

Meanwhile in Obviousville...

I clearly have a long way to go until I'm blending my hair into a white background like Anderson, but look how he rocks it with his steely gaze and media sensibility! Sure he's a dude, but I could rock the white if I had it. Hopefully. Plus I'm a lady, so if I ever get sick of it I can just cover it up with some other color that I'm into. Like red.
We'll see how long these mousy brown/blonde/gray roots can grow out before I can't handle them anymore. Part of me wants to see what I look like with my natural hair color since it's been years since I had no dye saturating my locks. It's going to be a long process if that's the case. By the time I've got everything grown out, I probably will be blending into white backgrounds. Because you know me, always standing in front of white walls and backdrops and such.

Trust me. They're there. Making me more distinguished every day.



  1. thst seems like a legitimate comment. :)

  2. Yeah, I've been getting a lot of really great traffic lately.
